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Military let's you attack others, defend yourself and steal resources from other empires.

Note: Attacks can not be ordered onto other empires if a Command Centre is not built or if it is destroyed by an elite ops squad. To build a command centre, visit the newest Tech Tree.

There are several different types of units you can produce and some researchable upgrades you can get to go along with them. Having a military is mandatory in this game, unless you want to be crushed by empires greater than you.

There are 3 varieties of troops that you will eventually be able to train. -Ground Troops/Infantry -Tanks -Aircrafts

You will need to Research certain things to be able to build all of the Military Units, also look at the Tech Tree to see what you have to Research.

For each variety of unit there is a different storage building. For ground troops there are barracks. For tanks there are tank storages. For aircrafts, hangars. If you want to build any units you will first need to build these storage buildings.

If you want ot see want units do to other units go to the Battle Simulator, which is a battle simulator or you can go to your military page and just click on the unit.

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