From Universe Wars
Alliance Details page
- This page can be viewed by everyone in the alliance and it contains all the key information about your alliance. Including the alliances Worth, Rank, Amount Of Players, Diplomacy Feature and Member List.
- Worth: This is the amount of all the members worth's combined.
- Rank: This is the alliance rank which is the alliance worth compared to all the other alliance worth's.
- Amount of Players: This is how many members are in the alliance.
- Diplomacy Feature: This is what the alliance is allies, neutral, or enemies with.
- Member List: This is all the members in the alliance and you click on them and view there empire page.
NOTE: The second page is accessible to the alliance owner only!
Alliance Control Room
- This page has all the information and features an alliance commander needs to run their alliance. The page includes alliance Password, Rank, Diplomacy Section, Alliance Upgrade, Member List and Delete Button.
- Password: This is where the alliance leader can change or look at the password.
- Rank: This is the same as the other rank and it dosen't do anything.
- Diplomacy Section: This is where the alliance leader can change the alliance's allies and enemies.
- Alliance Upgrade: This is where the alliance leader can raise the number of members the alliance can have.
- Member List: This is where the alliance leader can delete members, give them privledges, and give them titles.
- Delete Button: This is where the alliance leader can delete the alliance.