Game Forum
From Universe Wars
The Game Forum is where everybody on UWars can post and discuss things.
There are 7 catagories on the forum.
- Round Discussion- You can discuss anything about the round, if it isn't about the round it will be locked by a moderator.
- Non-Game Related- This is where you can talk about just random things like the economy or the championship of some random game.
- Newbie Board- You can post or answer any question you or somebody has.
- Fun & Games- This is where you can post random games or links and just randomly post and have fun.
- Alliance Discussion- This is where alliances post what their alliances are doing and if they want members.
- Planet Forums- This is a form where only your planet can post in and you can talk about everything.
- Alliance Forums- You can post in this if your in an alliance. Only your alliance members can post in it.